The FLASH brand eco firelighter wool is made from natural wood & a natural based wax. The product is suitable for safe, odourless and clean lighting of barbecues, stoves and fireplaces. The firelighter wool is an FSC®-certified product made from 100% renewable raw materials and complies with the standard for barbecue lighters DIN EN 1860-3. The shape of this kindling is often described as a fireball or ignition wool.
Amfissa Oliven . Optik Schwarzlich Farbe für die Oliven, mit Kräutern
Geschmack/Aroma arttypisch, salzig mit einem kraftvollen geschmack, angenehm abgerundet
Weichlötflussmittel zum Weichlöten von Kupferrohren, gem. DVGW-Arbeitsblatt GW 7 - Weichlötflußmittel Cu-Roclean, DIN EN ISO 9454-1,
2.1.2.C F-SW 25 gem. DVGW-Arbeitsblatt GW 7,
0,125 kg Flaschen, Kartons à 25 Flaschen